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April 25-27, 2025



Field of Play

U13- U19 No change per FIFA “Laws of the Game”

U11& U12 (9v9) & U9/U10 (7v7) must play in accordance with the USSF new player
development initiatives.


The Ball

U13 and older Size #5   -    U12 and younger Size #4


Number of Players

U13 and older-Maximum Eleven (11)- Minimum Seven (7) per side per FIFA

U11 and U12-Maximum Nine (9)- Minimum Six (6) per side

U09 and U10-Maximum Seven (7)- Minimum Five (5) per side


U13 and Older Game Roster shall have a maximum of 18 players. Players not on the game roster are allowed to sit on the bench in the team’s opposite uniform or street clothes.


Participating teams should have no more than five (5) guest players.


All players must be registered with their respective club and have current player passes (birth certificates, etc. are not accepted). Team rosters are required. Properly executed guest player passes shall be attached to the roster. Players must meet the age group requirements for the age group in which they are to compete. Players are only allowed to participate for one team in the tournament.


All teams must have approved Medical Release forms for each player signed by a parent or legal guardian. They will be required to be held by the team manager on the sideline during games.  FYSA Release Form can be found here -


Referees or field marshals will check rosters at the beginning of the game. Immediately upon conclusion of each match both teams need to certify the score with the referee or field marshal on the game card. If any players or coaches were ejected, the referee or field marshal will hold on to their passes for further processing by the tournament committee.


Duration of Games and Points Awarded

All games will consist of 2 equal halves with one half-time period of 5 minutes in length. U-9 and U-10 games will be 2×25 mins. U-11 and U-12 games will be 2×30 mins. U-13 through U-19 games will be 2×35 mins.


Preliminary games will have no overtime procedures to settle ties. Semi-Final and Championship games that end in a tie will proceed directly to Penalty Kicks, according to FIFA’s “Taking of Kicks from the Penalty Mark.”


The winning team will be awarded 3 points, and a tie will award each team 1 point.

A team will be allowed up to a 10-minute grace period after the scheduled kickoff time before the game is awarded to their opponent. A minimum of five (5) players constitutes a team for U-10 and below (7v7 GAMES). A minimum of six (6) players constitutes a team for U11 and U12 (9v9 GAMES). A minimum of seven (7) players constitutes a team for all other age groups. The full grace period may be used to collect as many players as possible before the game starts.


The team winning the forfeit will receive 3 points plus three goals scored and zero goals scored against. The team losing a forfeit will receive 0 points and 0 goals scored, and three goals
scored against.


If the Tournament Director notifies a team that another team has dropped out of the tournament, and a forfeit will be awarded as a result, then the team awarded the forfeit does not need to show up at game time against the absent team for the forfeit results to be official.


If a forfeit is deemed intentional, in the opinion of the Tournament Committee, a formal letter of protest may be sent to the team’s sanctioning club, league, and/or association, as appropriate.



If teams are tied, the following procedure is used to determine the placement:



First:               Head-to-Head competition

Second:        Net goal differential (maximum three (3) goals per game)

Third:            Fewest goals allowed in all matches

Fourth:           Most goals scored (maximum of three (3) goals per game)

Last:              Penalty Kicks according to FIFA’s “Taking of Kicks from the Penalty Mark”.



First:             Net goal differential (maximum three (3) goals per game)

Second:        Fewest goals allowed in all matches

Third:            Most goals scored (maximum of three (3) goals per game)

Last:              Penalty Kicks according to FIFA’s “Taking of Kicks from the Penalty Mark”.



If at any time during a match, one team takes a lead of eight (8) goals, the referee will end the match and the score will be submitted.  Please note the maximum goals and goal differential rules as outlined in the Tie-Breaker section


Concussion Policy, Per Florida Statute FS 943.0438 (enacted 2012):

  • Pursuant to Florida Statutes (FS 943.0438) Florida in 2012 enacted a very stringent Head injury and Concussion Law. If the referee (or assistant referee) believes that, in her/her opinion, a player has suffered a head injury or possible concussion, the match must be stopped IMMEDIATELY.

  • The injured player, if able to leave the field on their own, must be escorted to their coach, and the coach must be told that the player cannot return for the duration of the match. If a trainer is brought onto the field because the player is incapacitated, the referee must still notify the coach that the player cannot return to the game. It is the responsibility of the coach and the player's parent(s) or legal guardians to seek medical attention.

  • The player may not resume participation until he/she has been cleared by a medical doctor. The Referee HAS NO FURTHER responsibility beyond removing the player from the match in which the player was injured. The referee crew must ensure, that UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES or due to the appeal from any coaching staff that the player is allowed to return to the game.


Heading Guidelines:

  • Deliberate or accidental heading is not allowed in 11U and below games. If a player deliberately or accidentally heads the ball in a game, an indirect free kick should be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the offense. If the deliberate or accidental header occurs within the goal area, the indirect free kick should be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the nearest point to where the offense occurred. 

  • Heading is allowed in games 12U and older without limitations. Heading is only allowed by players that have turned 11-years-old. If a 10-year-old is playing in a game, he is not allowed to head the ball, and it is the responsibility of the coaches and club to make sure this is clearly communicated prior to each game.


Build Out Line (7v7 Games ONLY)

1. To promote playing the ball out of the back. When the goalkeeper has the ball (either during

play or from a goal kick) the opposing team will need to drop behind the build out line.

2. Once the opposing team is behind the build out line the goalkeeper can pass, throw or roll

the ball to a teammate (no punting or dropkicks will be allowed). The goalkeeper may opt

for a quick restart if he/she so chooses.

3. After the ball is put into play by the goalkeeper the opposing team can cross the build out

line and play resumes as normal.


Punting & Dropkicks (7v7 Games ONLY)

No punting or dropkicks will be allowed in 7v7 games.  Punting or dropkicks by the goalkeeper will result in an indirect free kick for the opposing team.


Orthopedic Policy 402.2:

  • Any player with a cast/brace should seek written permission from a tournament official and their doctor prior to playing. Orthopedic casts are generally not permitted, but soft braces are. Requests can be submitted to or  The final judgment as to its safety is at the discretion of the tournament officials.


Jewelry Policy 402.3:

  • It is the policy of FYSA that no player be allowed to wear ANY jewelry while participating in any FYSA sanctioned match. The only exception that may be allowed is a medical alert bracelet or necklace when taped to the body. The referee shall make the decision as to the safety of the player and the referee’s decision is final. (The taping of any earring shall not be permitted under any circumstances.) If the referee notices a player wearing jewelry while the match is under way at the next stoppage of play, the referee will instruct the player to remove the item. If the referee deems the jewelry to be dangerous to any player, the referee must stop the match to correct the situation


The Technical Area/Box, Laws of the Game, FIFA Rules:


The technical area relates to matches played in game fields with a designated seated area for team officials, substitutes and substituted players as outlined below:


The technical area shall only extend 1m (1yd) on either side of the designated seated area and up to a distance of 1m (1yd) from the touchline

  • markings shall be used to define the area, temporary or Permanent.

  • the number of persons permitted to occupy the technical area is defined by the competition rules


  • the occupants of the technical area:

    • are identified before the start of the match in accordance with the competition rules

    • must behave in a responsible manner

    • must remain within its confines except in special circumstances, e.g., a physiotherapist/doctor entering the field of play, with the referee’s permission, to assess an injured player

  • only one person at a time is authorized to convey tactical instructions from the
    technical area


Conduct 502 and Discipline 504.1 Policy:

  • It shall be solely the team’s responsibility to determine the status of its players and coaches. Any suspension from a tournament, local league, etc., is the responsibility
    of the team to notify the Tournament Director of this suspension at the time of the
    player’s check-in.

  • Per FYSA Rule 504.1, red card suspension or send off suspensions can only be served with the team with which the suspension was earned in games played by their team. Players may not serve suspensions as “guest players.”

  • The Tournament Committee shall have a Discipline Committee of three (3) members. This committee will review and rule on all reports of unacceptable conduct by players, managers, coaches, referees, spectators, etc. using the FYSA standards as set by Rules Section 502.

  • Any player or manager/coach ejected (red carded) will not complete the game in which the ejection occurred. The ejected player or manager/coach will not participate in the next scheduled tournament game regardless of the cause.

  • Depending on the severity of the unacceptable conduct, the Discipline Committee may recommend the suspension of up to the duration of the tournament in accordance with FYSA requirements. The committee’s recommendations must be available to the affected parties no later than following the next scheduled match.

  • At the conclusion, of the tournament, passes will be returned to the coach, even if the suspension has not been completed. A complete discipline report will be sent to the


FYSA office within 72 hours of the tournament's conclusion for possible further discipline.​



  • A team is allowed a fifteen (15) minute grace period from the scheduled time before awarding the game to the opposing team. A minimum of eligible players (listed above) must be present, dressed, and ready to play within the grace period, to constitute a "team." The game will be scored as 3-0. If the scheduled time is revised from the printed schedule, coaches/managers will be notified by email, tournament website, phone or in person by a Tournament Official of the new game time.



In the unlikely event of field closures or delays due to weather, tournament officials will attempt to reschedule games when possible.  Tournament officials reserve the right to shorten the duration of games or cancel games in order to complete the tournament.  All decisions related to weather will be final.



After a team has been accepted into the competition, NO REFUND WILL BE GIVEN should the team decide to withdraw from the event. Tournament entry fee returns/refunds will be granted, as follows:

  • Within five (5) days after notification that the team has not been accepted.

  • Within five (5) days of cancellation of the tournament.

  • Within ten (10) days of request of withdrawal of the application by a team before acceptance of the application by the tournament.








The Tournament Committee and FYSA will not be held responsible for any expense incurred by any team if the Tournament is canceled in whole or part.


The Tournament Committee reserves the right to decide on all matters pertaining to the Tournament; its judgment is final. All decisions of the referee are final and binding.


No protest is allowed.

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